Blog Archive

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Inside-Out Group....and YOU!!!

Groups are a difficult thing in Second Life. You only get a certain amount of them that you are allowed to be in and because of that many people are quite picky with their group joining.

So what does being a member of the Inside-Out group do for you, the fan?

Being a group member offers you some special features that you can only get if your in the loop! We advertise our new releases often letting you know about the great new looks that we come up with before the public gets their hands on them. Freebies are sent out from time to time as well. These can be anything from fun little items to group only designed clothing that is not released for the public to purchase. Being a group member gives you the inside info on any of our events as well. Anytime Inside-Out hosts, or is part of a sim or event, you will be the first to know! Sales as well go on for group members only! Remember that if there is a sale that you MUST wear your group tag in order to receive the discount! Finally there is the community, I am always on and often available to chat with. If there is something that you would like to see in world, or need help with an item feel free to contact me.

The group is there for you, so that you can continue to be updated on the styles, fashion and fun that is created by Inside-Out! If you're interested in joining the Inside-Out family, check out the link below and join up today!

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